ILYASWEB: What is the Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

Maybe some of you still don’t know the difference between qualitative and quantitative research. Well, before you know the qualitative and quantitative differences. Preferably, know in advance the meaning of the two.


So, Qualitative Research is a method of looking for data, then collecting it that is comprehensionary in nature and cannot be measured by numbers. It is usually aimed at obtaining people’s reasons, opinions, and motivations for a data, which will be concluded in the form of a theory or hypothesis.


Meanwhile, quantitative research is a method to find and collect data that can be measured by percentages or numbers. Usually the data will be further processed using mathematical theories, models, and formulas and from the data a conclusion will be drawn later.



By Data Type

The type of data owned by qualitative research is descriptive or describes the phenomenon or fact of the research as it is. In addition, this research is also in the form of exploration, namely the data produced comes from investigations or field explorations so that more information is obtained.


Meanwhile, quantitative research has a type of data in the form of numerical or numerical systems. In addition, it is also in the form of statistics, namely data that has been grouped so that it can provide information about a problem or symptom.



The results of qualitative research have limited impacts or consequences on certain situations. So, the results of this study cannot be concluded in different settings. Meanwhile, quantitative research has an impact or consequence in the form of facts or theories that apply in general. So, wherever and whenever a study is conducted then that fact applies.



Every research must have a goal to be achieved. In qualitative research, the first goal to be achieved is to gain an understanding of a case in depth so that there are no mistakes in the case.


Then to develop existing theories by presenting facts from the research that has been done. And the last One to describe or describe reality and social complexity.


Meanwhile, the purpose of quantitative research is to explain the relationship or relationship between the variables studied. Then to test the correctness of existing theories by presenting data in the form of numbers. And to draw conclusions on the social phenomena under study.



The method is a method used by researchers to collect research data. For qualitative, the method used is a phenomenological method, namely the study of life experiences or phenomena that occur.


Meanwhile, the method that can be done in quantitative research is experiments that are usually carried out by experiments. Surveys are carried out by collecting primers by giving questions to individuals. In addition, it is also a method of correlation, regression, path analysis.



In qualitative research, the data represented in the research results is in the form of interpretations or views of the researcher on the phenomena he is studying. So, the form of the report will be in the form of a description. Meanwhile, data representing quantitative research is presented in the form of calculation results or in the form of numbers.



Qualitative research focuses on what cannot be measured by the good and bad of a fact, so it requires researchers to dig deeper into the data about that fact. Therefore, the quality of this research is not determined by the quantity or number of sources, but how deeply the researcher digs up more specific information from the sources he chooses.


Meanwhile, quantitative research data collection is carried out with a series of research instruments such as tests and questionnaires. The data that has been collected will be categorized into predetermined criteria.


Unlike qualitative, the quality of quantitative research is influenced by the large number of respondents involved.

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