Typical West Javanese Vegetable Recipe for Sour Bereum Beans : Ezqnews

West Javanese Vegetable Recipe Guaranteed Tasty and Delicious

For those of you who want to learn West Javanese vegetable recipes , of course, don’t worry anymore, because now culinary development is getting faster. The province of West Java has become an area in Indonesia still famous for various culinary tours. Of course, there is a peculiarity when you just try it.

For the first time you know  the taste of various Western Javanese vegetables, probably almost all of them have a sour taste.   And its production, which dominates most typical vegetables  , is usually  fish, which makes it incomparable. If you’re a fan of culinary tours, this will help add insight.

Don’t worry when you just want to start learning many typical West Java vegetable recipes, because it turns out that this can be done easily. But it’s important to understand that every time you study, try to understand more. This is done so that you can try yourself at home without needing the help of others.

Not only appetizing, if you look at its appearance, most of west Java’s food tastes good. Perhaps you still often find various vegetables from the West Java area, although this is far from where you live. Instead of getting confused in a hike to a certain place, it is better to start studying each recipe one by one.

The more interesting, which vegetables are the most famous, the more we will give a complete recipe with how to cook properly. No need to wait any longer, here is a complete explanation of the ingredients to prepare and the steps to make them. Just follow the discussion to the end so that it can be easily understood.

Typical West Javanese Vegetable Recipe for Sour Bereum Beans

If you live near an area of West Java, you can still understand, but things are different if you have a home outside of West Java. The sour bean vegetable is the first discussion this time that can be learned very easily. With the main ingredients of beans, of course, these ingredients can be found without difficulty.

The first step here is to prepare the various ingredients to support the production of vegetables like legumic acid. Types of ingredients are presented in the form of 350 grams of fresh red beans. Do not make the wrong choice of the type of beans, because it will differ in comparison with others, and this has a special taste.

The ingredients of the WesternJavanese vegetable re sep are sour beans, next to you will need about  a liter of meat broth. Then also prepare  tomato fruits, cut into eight slices, two bay leaves, to a small amount of galangal.   Mix two tbsp. l.  Tamarind with one tbsp of salt, using water, and squeeze.

Next comes a thin ingredient, which from now on must be made from four fairly large red peppers, which have an mbat 8 with a red bottom and a garlic half.   Also prepare 1 tsp. shrimp paste, three tbsp. l brown sugar and finally one tbsp. l salt.   Langkah in practice in the kitchen follows.

The method of preparation is quite simple, namely to put the beans in water so that it boils to taste, then strain. Heat the namaand mix with all the ingredients accompanied by small spices before mixing . Just reduce the heat to cook the beans until they are soft and the soup is left by one third , sprinkle with salt, and then the food is ready to serve.

The most popular culinary Karedok

Also, there’s a typical West Javanese vegetable recipe  that has the name of hits, which is karedok, of course, almost some people already know. Given that karedok is one of the culinary recipes that was common in many places, not just west Java. Then for the recipe itself, we provided  the following complete one.

First, the main ingredients are prepared in the form of chopped vegetables, ranging from cucumbers, eggplants, super toga, lettuce, basil, cabbage, long beans and ending with tomatoes.   All kinds of vegetables will be used as a supplement for cooking later.   But in advance, you should also prepare peanut seasoning by means  in the explanation below.

Use 250 grams of beans after putting in the oven or frying pan, then also prepare 300 ml of warm water. five garlic, eight curly peppers and two cayenne peppers should be fried for a while. Then 60 grams of Javanese sugar is rubbed, plus two teaspoons of salt, two krevetta pastes, three cm of kencur.

After preparing the ingredients according to the Western Javanese vegetable recipe , then there are 4 steps to prepare. First, puree from all the ingredients to make peanut seasoning, kneading by hand. Then it remains only to mix the peanut seasoning with the available vegetables, then mix, and serve with crackers.

Cooking Oncom rice is easy

Not satisfied with the  two recipes above, we’ll also give you steps in making rice oncom. Who doesn’t know about the existence of this dish? Surely almost all people understand too. Because oncom is one of the most delicious vegetables in West Java and makes the body healthy.

Preparing the material involves starting with three boxes of oncom that have been torn off with a fork or knife. Then use curly cayenne pepper and cayenne pepper with only 5 seeds each.   The presence of onions is mandatory, both red – 6, and white – only 2.

Using two centimeters of kenkur, half a teaspoon of grilled shrimp paste, you can try  a typical Western Javanese vegetable recipe. At the cooking stage, you should bake nakome first. Make sure that all the spices for cooking have been mixed, except for the one, bake everything until they are dry and the marinade is soft.

After successfully drying until it becomes watery, you puree the other spices to mix in oncom. Mix well using warm rice so that the spices penetrate when consumed. After stirring until evenly distributed, you can serve it directly guaranteed to get the best taste when consumed.

Seblak Ceker liked a million people

Just haven’t finished here yet, who wants to know the recipe for seblak zeker? As the most popular food, its availability should be understood. The material for making seblak turned out to be quite simple, namely just using one and a half handfuls of crackers, meatball grains to taste, checkers  as needed. Crackerswill be soaked for 2 hours.

For a fine seasoning of the Western Javanese vegetable recipe, when preparing seblak, two types of  onions are required, three seeds each.   There is another pecan, the size of   one finger, yesplus chili, following the wishes.   Don’t forget to also pack salt, broth, sugar until the peppers make it even tastier.

Do not forget the weevil, one stem of leeks, and also prepare the ingredient in the form of 2 eggs. The first step of cooking is to fry all  the delicious spices needed  to  cook until ready. After that, briefly heat some ingredients in the form of meatballs, legs, crackers, with the addition of four ingredients.

Pour the broth with water from the stewed  checkered meat to taste the desire, so that the taste is stronger, then wait for it  to boil.   Before you finish the process, add the onion and mustard green leaves and chopped cayenne pepper, cooked until ready. During the serving process, simply put it in a bowl.

The different spices and how to cook the vegetables above can be easily understood without any difficulty. From now on, you can apply all available recipes to cook yourself from home. Knowing many additional vegetable recipes in West Java certainly enriches the skills while working in the kitchen.

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